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Braid Mobile

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All The Details

Product Highlights:

  • Designed specifically for small pet engagement
  • Promotes natural behaviors, keeping dental health in good shape
  • Only all-natural ingredients
  • Keeps your small pet entertained and out of trouble

We recommend this product for:

We recommend this product for rabbits and guinea pigs. We do not recommend for chinchillas.


The Small Pet Select Braid Mobile is thoughtfully designed to bring endless joy to your furry friend. This delightful toy encourages active engagement and provides essential mental stimulation. From gentle tugs to satisfyingly tasty chews, it’s the perfect way to keep your small pet entertained and happy.

Handcrafted with love on a small, family-owned farm, this mobile is a true labor of dedication. Made with all-natural, organic ingredients, every step of the process is carefully executed to ensure safety and quality for your beloved pet. With a combination of nutrition and interactive play, the Braided Mobile is more than a toy—it's a heartfelt gift for your furry companion.

To see more about where these materials were grown, and how the toy was made, look at this!

Qty: 1 mobile


Timothy & Alfalfa Blend Hay Cubes

Other ingredients vary depending upon seasonal availability but may include: Akebia, blackberry stem, apple twigs, cattail, lambs quarter stems, sun root or sunflower stems.  May contain either maize, rye, or oat grass.

Feeding Instructions: 

This is a toy! Let your furry friend enjoy playtime as they like. Check out our Wonderland Playtable to see how they can really have some fun!

Sourcing Location: 


Storage and Expiration Info:

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Dimensions and Weights:

Approx. 6"

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