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Feed & Scratch for Chickens

Selected by our family with love. Shipped direct to your furry friends.

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Chicken feed, scratch and grit that will make your hens sing. Not sure which product to pick? Learn more here.

Chicken feed. Scratch. Grit. Oyster Shell. We’ve got ‘em all.


The basis of every healthy chicken is a healthy chicken diet. It’s a good thing we have all the greatest, healthiest must-haves available to shop for your flock.

Small Pet Select’s chicken feed is the perfect staple for your hen’s diet. Corn-free, soy-free, and non-GMO? Where do I buy mine? Our scratch is top of the line, too. And chickens have gotta scratch and peck, Yes? (It’s also corn-free, soy-free and non-GMO.) Grit? We’ve got it. And our oyster shell gives your hens the calcium boost they need.

Your hen’s health is Small Pet Select’s #1 priority. We believe in our product so much that we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Bring your flock to a new level of happiness by shopping our feed, scratch, grit, and oyster shell line. They’ll cluck in excitement. We’d bet on it.

Chicken Feed. And Scratch. And Grit.



The basis of any good chicken diet is a high-quality feed. Feed provides those fluffy feathers with the right amount of protein and minerals to keep their health in tip-top shape. And it keeps those eggs comin'. (Can you say bonus? I mean, we can. And we do.)

Vitamins, nutrients... everyone needs them from their food source. Including our chickens. Corn-free, soy-free, and non-GMO? Where do I get mine?




From hatch to 6-8 (ish) weeks

Chicken Starter Feed


6-18 (ish) weeks

Chicken Grower Feed


Adults (18ish weeks+)

Chicken Layer Feed




Chickens gotta scratch. And peck. Giving your hens great quality U.S. sourced Non-GMO scratch keeps 'em healthy and makes healthier eggs for your family, too. That's a total win.


When's the last time you saw a chicken tooth?

Grit takes the place of what teeth do... it grinds and crushes the food in the gizzards. Your birds should always have some on hand. Chickens will self-regulate their grit intake, so no worries about overdoing it. But if they need some and can't get to any, they may end up with digestive problems. 




From hatch to 6-8 (ish) weeks

Chick Grit


6-18 (ish) weeks

Chicken Grower Grit


Adults (18ish weeks +)

Grown-up Chicken Grit
