🏷️ Guinea Pig Products

Guinea Pig Hay
What's So Important About Guinea Pig Hay?
Guinea Pigs 100% need hay; their lives depend on it.
Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth. Hay provides needed fiber that aids in digestion and dental health while preventing deadly stasis.
Check out all the hay types we have - mix and match, let your bun do some taste testing!

Guinea Pig Food
Pelleted Food Is Full of Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber
Supplemental pelleted guinea pig food, direct to your door at the click of a button. We use our own first-quality Timothy Hay in our pelleted food. No lesser quality hay for our customer piggies!

Bedding & Litter
High Quality Bedding And Litter Will Save You Time
Bedding is so important to keep the living area comfy and dry. Using soft, absorbent bedding as a top layer helps prevent bumblefoot, sore hock, and urine scald. Try a bottom layer of wood pellet litter to keep even more moisture away from your cavy.
We've got 4 different types of bedding and litter to mix and match, so you can find what works best for your guinea pig.

Toys & Chews
We Supply The Safest Toys And Chews Made By Hand
Most of our guinea pig toys come from a very special organic farm, where the crops are even scythed by hand! The crops are turned in to the ultimate guinea pig toys right there on site and sent directly to us. We are thrilled and honored to offer them to our guinea pig customers.
Toys are not optional guinea pig supplies - they are a necessary part of guinea pig mental health!

Herbal Blends
Give Your Guinea Pig An Entire Meadow With Our Herbal Blends
Human food-grade herbs, flowers, and berries smell fantastic, and taste even better. Plus, there are nutritional benefits as well.

Snacks & Treats
Healthy Snacks And Treats With No Added Sugar
Junk food snacks? They're not okay. Healthy treats for piggies? Hip hip hooray!
STEP AWAY FROM THE ADDED SUGAR. Offer your cavy our terrific treats instead. They'll thank you later with a popcorn. (Not the kind with kernels.)

Remedies & Supplements
Our Remedies and Supplements Are Made From Only Natural Ingredients
What's up, Doc? Along with our amazing veterinary formulator, we've developed the best of the best remedies and supplements, which only contain natural ingredients that promote plant-based healing.
Plus we've got a phenomenal parasite control product called Pestavert.

Habitats & Accessories
Add Some Fun And Decrease Bad Behaviors With A Habitat
Castles, Mangers, Cuddle Pods? ...It's All here!
Creating fun, interesting spaces for your guinea pig not only makes their lives more fun, but can keep them moving and active, so they stay healthier.

Grooming Supplies
Life-Changing De-Shedding Comb and Natural Pest Spray
Hey good lookin'... how YOU doin'? Piggies keep themselves pretty tidy, but everyone needs a little help sometimes. Those nails won't trim themselves, ya know? Check out our grooming supplies you'll need to help your cavy look good and feel better.
Plus, we've got a phenomenal parasite control product called Pestavert you need to see!

Piggy Bundles = Serious Savings
We've never met anyone who doesn't love a good deal. Every penny counts, right?
📖 Guides
▶️ Videos
Stop Restricting Your Guinea Pigs Food! Here's why...
Watch this video to learn all about how much food guinea pigs NEED DAILY. Make sure your little one is getting enough hay, pellets, and fresh greens everyday.

Reminder! Foods High In Vitamin C For Guinea Pigs are VERY Important
Saskia from the LA Guinea Pig Rescues goes over Vitamin C and why it's so important for your guinea pig.
Also, should we be giving our guinea pig supplements? And if so, how do we do it?