🏷️ Chinchilla Products

Chinchilla Hay
What's So Important About Chinchilla Hay?
Chinchillas 100% need hay; their lives depend on it.
Chinchillas need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth. Hay provides needed fiber that aids in digestion and dental health while preventing deadly stasis.
Check out all the hay types we have - mix and match, let your bun do some taste testing!

Bedding & Litter
High Quality Bedding And Litter Will Save You Time
Good bedding and litter for chinchillas goes a long way... and we only want the best for our little darlings.
Our bedding and litter is the crème de la crème: soft, and super absorbent. Oh, and it's safe, too.

Toys & Chews
We Supply The Safest Toys And Chews Made By Hand
Most of our chinchilla toys come from a very special organic farm, where the crops are even scythed by hand! The crops are turned in to the ultimate guinea pig toys right there on site and sent directly to us. We are thrilled and honored to offer them to our guinea pig customers.
Toys are not optional chinchilla supplies - they're a necessary part of your pet's mental health!

Snacks & Treats
Healthy Snacks And Treats With No Added Sugar
Junk food snacks? They're not okay. Healthy treats for chins? Hip hip hooray!
Chinchillas have really sensitive digestive systems. That's why we only recommend the best snacks and treats.

Habitats & Accessories
Add Some Fun And Decrease Bad Behaviors
Creating fun, interesting spaces for your chinchilla not only makes their lives more fun, but can keep them moving and active, so they stay healthier.
📖 Guides
▶️ Videos
Chinchilla Supplies? We've Got You Covered
In this video we talk all about the most ESSENTIAL chinchilla supplies you'll need to keep your little one safe, happy, and healthy.
We selected the most important and basic necessities and supplies to compile a shopping list of goodies - just for you!

3 Healthy Chinchilla Toys You NEED To Have
Looking for an entertaining toy for your chinchilla? Want some options that are healthy, too? Look no further!
In this video we talk all about the best toys for your chinchilla and why.