Junk food snacks? They're not okay. Healthy treats for chinchillas? Hip hip hooray! STEP AWAY FROM THE ADDED SUGAR. It's dangerous for their sensitive digestive systems. Offer your chinchilla our terrific treats below instead. (Sparingly, of course.) They'll thank you later.
Chinchilla snacks and treats that taste good and they’re healthy? Yes, Please! We’ve made shopping snacks easier, healthier and… just… better.
Small Pet Select believes that everything your chinchilla chews, eats, inhales, stands on or comes in contact with has to be totally safe. We’ve got three types of the most scrumptious hay cubes. 1. 100% Timothy. 2. 100% Timothy and alfalfa mix. 3. 100% alfalfa.
Step away from the added sugar and shop our all-natural assortment of terrific snacks and treats. They’ll thank you later with a little kiss.
Pick one of our locations (if you're in the EU, just choose the UK location). You're on your way to yummyness!