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Only the best, safest, and healthiest products for rabbits

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More About Rabbits

Caring for a bunny requires the right rabbit supplies, like a variety of food for a balanced diet, a safe, interesting, and spacious habitat, and toys and games to promote natural bunny behaviors.

We've got all the bunny supplies you’ll need to keep your friend happy, healthy, and fit. Give your rabbit a rabbity life!

🏷️ Rabbit Products


Rabbit Hay

What's So Important About Rabbit Hay?

Rabbits 100% need hay; their lives depend on it. 

Hay provides needed fiber that aids in digestion and dental health while preventing deadly stasis. Every rabbit should have fresh hay 24/7.

Check out all the hay types we have - mix and match, let your bun do some taste testing!

bunny rabbit food from small pet select

Pelleted Food

Pelleted Food Is Full of Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber

Supplemental pelleted rabbit food, direct to your door at the click of a button. We use our own Timothy hay in our pelleted food... no lesser quality hay for our bunny customers!

P.S. We also have a non-GMO, soy-free option!

white paper bedding for small pets

Bedding & Litter

High Quality Bedding And Litter For Your Bunny Will Save You Time

We've got different types of rabbit bedding and litter to mix and match, because we know the litter box has to be just perfect.

Bedding is one of the most important bunny supplies, so ask your rabbit what they prefer. The right litter makes litter training easier and prevents sore paws, too.

toys and chews from small pet select

Toys & Chews

We Supply The Safest Toys And Chews Made By Hand

Most of our rabbit toys come from a very special organic farm, where the crops are even scythed by hand! The crops are turned in to the ultimate rabbit toys right there on site and sent directly to us. We are thrilled and honored to offer them to our rabbit customers.

Toys are not optional bunny supplies - they are a necessary part of rabbit mental health!

herbal samples from small pet select

Herbal Blends

Give Your Rabbit An Entire Meadow With Our Herbal Blends

Human food-grade herbs, flowers, and berries smell fantastic, and taste even better. Plus, there are nutritional benefits as well.

Snacks & Treats

Healthy Snacks And Treats With No Added Sugar

Snacks that taste good and they're healthy? Yes, please.

Offer your bunny our terrific snacks and treats. They'll thank you later with a nose bump.

remedies and supplements image

Remedies & Supplements

Our Remedies and Supplements Are Made From Only Natural Ingredients

What's up, Doc? Along with our amazing veterinary formulator, we've developed the best of the best remedies and supplements, which only contain natural ingredients that promote plant-based healing.  

Plus we've got a phenomenal parasite control product called Pestavert.

habitats and toys for rabbits from small pet select

Habitats & Accessories

Add Some Fun And Decrease Bad Behaviors With A Habitat

Castles, Mangers, Cuddle Pods? ...It's All here!

Create fun, interesting spaces for your rabbit that not only makes their lives better, but can help prevent naughty behaviors and make your life easier too!

grooming supplies for small pets

Grooming Supplies

Life-Saving De-Shedding Comb and Natural Pest Spray

Hey good lookin'... how YOU doin'? Rabbits keep themselves pretty tidy, but everyone needs a little help sometimes. Those nails won't trim themselves, ya know? Check out our rabbit grooming supplies you'll need to help your bun look good and feel better.

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Bunny Bundles = Big Savings

We've never met anyone who doesn't love a good deal. Every penny counts, right?

📖 Guides

  • Types of Hay, Explained

    We know the different types of hay can be confusing, from 2nd cutting Timothy hay to alfalfa hay and everywhere in between. At Small Pet Select, we know exactly which hay your small animal needs to stay happy and healthy.

  • Guide To Timothy Hay

    Our Timothy Hay Guide walks you through the entire growing process. From harvesting to packaging, we'll teach you everything you need to know about Timothy Hay and why it's so important for your small pet.

▶️ Videos

Tips & Tricks: How To House Train Your Rabbit

Check out our video with Sara Demetree talking all about how to housetrain your bun! Super important information on things like everything you'll need for your litter set-up, how to litter train your bun, and how to set up their FULL home environment.

You'll get the inside scoop on favorite foraging tips and treats and how you can use the infamous habitat castle for foraging, too! Learn everything you need to know about habitats, treats, foraging areas, and treats! HOP to it.

What Are Some Healthy Rabbit Treats?

Let's talk snacks and treats! This video talks all about the healthiest snacks you can give your bun that are also safe for their bodies. We love a healthy sustainable snack! And your bun does, too.

A lot of the treats you can find at the big pet store are full of sugars and ingredients that are really difficult for your bun to digest. We have the perfect alternatives for you that are Timothy Hay based, and some with only natural sugars from fruit for those bunnies with a sweet tooth. Check it out!

📝 Blogs

  • Belinda, The Spokesrabbit

    Have you met our Spokesrabbit, Belinda? She hacks into our systems, comes up with product ideas, manages a novelist, and much more. We’re convinced her quirky attitude will have you in stitches in no time. You can check out all her profound bunny thoughts over on her blog where she talks everything from office politics to her very favorite rabbit supplies.

  • Abigail, Novelist In Residence

    Abigail is a fiction writer, and admits that most of her work is based on her life and the lives of those close to her. She is a tiny girl with big ideas, and wants to use her new position to help people understand the perspective of all small animals.

    Our novelist reports to Belinda, who has inspired Abigail to take herself seriously as a writer and a professional.

  • Anything & Everything You Should Know For Your Bun...

    Here at Small Pet Select, our #1 priority is proper rabbit care. We want you to have all the information you need on how to make sure your bun stays happy and healthy for the long haul. That's why we post informative blogs on a weekly basis - just for you!