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Only the best, safest, and healthiest products for Cats

Cats Are Purrrfect

Cats Are Purrrfect

It's True. Life Is Just Better With A Cat.

Cat's have cattitude. And we love it. They're frisky, feisty, and have serious personalities. Shop our products for habitats and accessories (yes, please!), grooming supplies, and some of the best cat litter on the market.

Only the best for your pretty kitty.

P.S. Don't forget cleanup accessories. Yeah, we know it's not the most glam part of being a dog parent. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

🏷️ Cat Products


Cat Litter

High Quality & Natural Litters For Your Kitty

Good litter for cats goes a long way... and we only want the best for feline friends.

Our kitty litter is the crème de la crème and super absorbent. Oh, and it's safe, too!

small pet select cat litter box

Habitats, Accessories & Toys

Make Your Life Easier With Our Cat Accessories

Our kitties need stuff. From litter boxes, cord covers, toys and more, we've got it all.

remedies and supplements image

Remedies & Supplements

Our Remedies and Supplements Are Made From Only Natural Ingredients

Our stuff is the best of what we've found in 20 years of experience, researching and testing throughout the cat world. We only carry the safest... and the greatest.

grooming supplies for small pets

Grooming Supplies

Get Your Groom On With The Life-Changing De-Shedding Comb

Hey good lookin'... how YOU doin'? Cats keep themselves pretty tidy, but everyone needs a little help sometimes. Check out our grooming supplies you'll need to help your kitty look good and feel better. And some to help prevent hairballs.

Plus, we've got a phenomenal parasite control product called Pestavert you need to see!

📖 Guides

Hemp-Based Cat Litter and Other Products Utilize The Sustainability of Hemp

When it comes to making eco-friendly choices for your pets and home, hemp-based litter is emerging as a game-changer. The cat litter you choose might seem like a minor detail in the grand scheme of things, but it has significant implications on the environment.

📝 Blogs

  • Kitty Communication: What's Your Cat Trying To Tell You?

    When I adopted my Sydderoo, I was absolutely no expert in kitty communication. Trust me. If you’re looking to adopt a kitty or are still confused as to what your cat is trying to tell you, this article will help.

  • What's The Deal With Polydactyl Cats?

    Kitty toes are super cute. Extra toes are extra cute. Polydactyl cats are experts in "extra." These extraordinary felines sport some pretty fabulous digits.

  • Cats are curious pets. Their behavior can be baffling.

    Why do cats love sitting in baskets and rubbing their head on you? There actually is a reason behind these weird cat behaviors.