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Check Out Some of Our Favorite Youtube Honest Reviews of Small Pet Select Products!

Check Out Some of Our Favorite Blog Reviews of Small Pet Select!

  • Veterinarian Dr. Stacie Grannum talks about the essential, high quality items offered by Small Pet Select including 2nd Cutting Timothy Hay, Soft Paper Bedding, Rabbit Food Pellets, Healthy Snackers, and Hay & Twig Mobiles. She goes into the pro's and con's, providing honest feedback about what's best for your furry friend!

  • Don't miss out on Guinea Piggles reviewing Small Pet Select's Organic Timothy Hay. Guinea Piggles talks all about the hand selection process, unique aroma of our Organic Timothy Hay, and our Picky Pet Promise!

  • The Bunny Lady talks all about the importance of fresh Timothy Hay and why it's so essential for your bun! Get the full break down of every type of hay you can think of and why variety is so important for your bun!

"I got the new shipment of 3rd cutting hay. Even my lazy Hanna was running around wheeking as she zoom zoomed. Seeing that big girl move that fast was amazing. Didn't know she could get up to that speed. Their guts are moving better now and they are very very HAPPY! Thank you so much for your wonderful support. You made me very happy, and more importantly the Guinea Girls ecstatic!   Thanks again for your wonderful customer service! "

Kristin B.

"I ordered Nutri-Recovery for Cruella, my 7 year old guinea pig. She weighs only 750 grams on a good day and has had soft stools for about six months due to age and a side effect of all the meds she takes for her heart, thyroid and hips. I was worried the oils would make it worse, but she’s been on it for three days now and yesterday and today she’s had NORMAL poops!!!!!! It’s a miracle. I usually have to clean off her poop shoes every few days, but we may be poop shoe free now."

Natalie R.

"I am caring for elderly rabbit. I've been buying from another very well known company and for the last year I've had nothing but stress and expense from trying to find some quality hay with ZERO success. I watched Sampler Hay Box video and ordered with a lot of skepticism. It arrived in two days and I thought I'd do just what was done on video. I opened box and put in middle of pen. She did not know which way to go! She jumped in box and tried it all with gusto! I was so much more than satisfied! Wish I'd known of this company sooner! Serious fan!"

Andrea B.

Customer Story: Radar The Rabbit

Lots of people have hard time getting their animal to eat enough hay...and we all know how dangerous it can be when the little ones don't get enough fiber.

Little animals can be plain picky. Sometimes they are recovering from dental issues or other health problems. Extra yummy hay CAN get them munching down all the fiber they need.

Radar was one of those animals - he had some health issues, and his hooman told us how great hay helped him recover.  

Now look at his handsome self!