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Remedies and Supplements for Rabbits

Selected by our family with love. Shipped direct to your furry friends.

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Discover our all-natural remedies and supplements for happy, healthy bunnies.


Always be prepared. Have these necessities on hand.


What’s up, doc? Along with our amazing veterinary formulator, we’ve developed the best of the best remedies and supplements for rabbits, which only contain natural ingredients that promote plant-based healing. So, rabbit parents… you’re in luck when you’re shopping our assortment.

As a loving rabbit owner, you know how important it is to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. But just like us hoomans, rabbits can face health challenges.

And that’s where we come in!

Whether you’re looking for a supplement to promote healthy fur or need something to keep that pesky GI tract moving…we’ve got you covered. Plus, our products are nice and easy to administer. Sound too good to be true? It’s fur real. No more struggling to give your rabbit their medicine.

Small Pet Select believes that everything your rabbit chews, eats, inhales, stands on, or comes in contact with has to be totally safe. No exceptions. Period. Every single detail is important. All of our remedies and supplements are made with high-quality, natural ingredients, so you can trust that your bunny is getting the best possible care.

We choose to work with a veterinarian on our formulations who has 30 years experience researching plant-based nutrition for animals, especially herbivores. Why? We think it’s important you know and approve of all the ingredients. Every ingredient is important when it comes to the health of your little one. Isn’t that the way it should be?

We also make sure your animal gets all the possible nutrients available from our products. Shop Pestavert (spray or gel), a phenomenal parasite control product. Try some Nutri-Recovery (long term support for recovering animals), or buy Nutri-Rescue (fast nutrition to keep the GI tract moving).

Rabbit remedies and supplements are so important to have on hand for your bunnies' health and happiness. Let’s make sure you and your bun have the very best.