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Only the best, safest, and healthiest products for dogs

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More About Dogs

Every human thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.

Show a dog an ounce of love and they'll be your friend for life. They will be. In our opinion, dogs are just like people. So give 'em the best of the best... of the best. They deserve it. Shop our products for natural toys, safe remedies and supplements, and some really cool toys. All pup-proved.

P.S. Don't forget cleanup accessories. Yeah, we know it's not the most glam part of being a dog parent. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

🏷️ Dog Products

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Habitats & Accessories

Make Your Life Easier With Our Doggie Accessories

Our doggies need stuff. From cleanup to safety tags to odor eliminators... we've got ya covered.

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Remedies & Supplements

Our Remedies and Supplements Are Made From Only Natural Ingredients

Our stuff is the best of what we've found in 20 years of experience, researching and testing throughout the dog world. Try our Pestavert(a completely non-toxic formula which acts against mites, lice, fleas, ticks, and many other external parasites).

grooming supplies for small pets

Grooming Supplies

Get Your Groom On With The Life-Changing De-Shedding Comb

Hey good lookin'... how YOU doin'? Dogs keep themselves pretty tidy, but everyone needs a little help sometimes. Those nails won't trim themselves, ya know? Check out our dog grooming suppliesyou'll need to help your pooch look good and feel better.

📝 Blogs

  • Military Dogs: Let's Celebrate a Different Kind of Hero

    Everyone in the United States military plays an important role in protecting our freedom – and that includes dogs. Military dogs serve alongside their human handler to detect and track things like weapons and bombs. We all owe a huge thanks to them for keeping us safe, too.

  • Is Your Dog Part Goat? Let Us Explain Why Dogs Eat Grass

    (Hoo)man's best friends are dedicated and loyal beasties... but that doesn't mean they don't come with their fair share of curious behaviors.

    we discussed head-scratching behaviors like bum sniffing and reading pee-mail. Today we're gonna talk about why dogs eat grass.

  • Hot Pavement and Dog Paws... They Don't Mix.

    Your dog's paws can be injured fast on hot surfaces. Learn about the safest surfaces to walk on in hot weather and what to do if Fido's paws get burned.

    What happens when you don't think you need your flip flops and you step on a hot surface? OW, OW, OW, right? Just like humans, dog paws can also be hurt by hot pavement.