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Only the best, safest, and healthiest products for gerbils, hamsters & mice

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About Hamsters, Gerbils & Mice

It's totally true. The biggest hearts can come in the smallest bodies...

...so don’t let your their size fool you. These little ones have big personalities, making them a great option for small pet parents. They're pretty easy to care for when you have the right supplies. Food, treats, a safe and interactive habitat?

We've got you.

🏷️ Hamster, Gerbil, Mice Products

white paper bedding for small pets


High Quality Bedding Will Increase Life Quality

Gerbils, hamsters and mice spend a fair amount of time in their habitat, so best not to skimp on what fills 'em up. Our bedding is the crème de la crème: soft, and super absorbent. Oh, and it's super safe, too.

toys and chews from small pet select

Toys & Chews

We Supply The Safest Toys And Chews Made By Hand

Most of our gerbil, hamster and mouse toys come from a very special organic farm, where the crops are even scythed by hand! The crops are turned in to the ultimate toys right there on site and sent directly to us, and we are thrilled and honored to offer them to our customers.

herbal samples from small pet select

Herbal Blends

Give Your Gerbil, Hamster or Mouse An Entire Meadow With Our Herbal Blends

Human food-grade herbs, flowers, and berries smell fantastic, and taste even better. Plus, there are nutritional benefits, too.

snacks for hamsters gerbils mice

Snacks & Treats

Healthy Snacks And Treats With No Added Sugar

Junk food snacks? They're not okay. Healthy treats? Hip hip hooray! STEP AWAY FROM THE ADDED SUGAR. It's dangerous. Offer your little our terrific treats below instead. (Sparingly, of course... and in conjunction with a healthy diet.) They'll thank you later.

toy for hamster gerbil mice

Habitats & Accessories

Add Some Fun And Decrease Bad Behaviors With A Habitat

Sure they're small, but gerbils, hamsters and mice need accessories too, right? Really, though... what little guy or gal wouldn't want an all natural teeter-totter in their cage? Is it more fun for them as they play, or for us as we watch?

📝 Blogs

  • Ouch, Hamster! You Bit Me. How Can I Help You Stop?!

    Understanding why your hamster is biting is absolutely key. It’s all about making them feel comfortable. Biting is a defense mechanism. Hamsters bite because they’re scared or feel threatened. It’s actually a natural reaction, and stems from them being prey animals; they need a way to protect themselves. So where and how do we start to make them feel like they’re in a safe space?

  • How Do I Know If My Mouse is Sick?

    When you’re talking mice, it’s sometimes hard to tell if they’ve come down with an illness. They’ll often disguise their sickness so predators don’t see them as weak or easy prey. It’s in their nature, whether wild or domestic. 

    So how to you tell if your mouse is sick, and what can you do to help them?

  • Living Space For Gerbils, Hamsters and Mice

    It's about time our littlest friends got some attention. Hamsters, gerbils, and mice may be small, but that doesn't mean their living space needs to be. "Starter" cages that don't allow enough room for normal behavior and enrichment can lead to boredom, depression, aggression, and even health issues.