🏷️ Chicken Products

Chicken Food
Healthy & Nutritious Feeds and Scratch
FEED, ANYONE? The basis of any good chicken diet is a high-quality feed. Feed provides those fluffy feathers with the right amount of protein and minerals to keep their health in tip-top shape. And it keeps those eggs comin'. (Can you say bonus? I mean, we can. And we do.)
SCRATCH: Chickens gotta scratch. And peck. Giving your hens great quality chicken scratch keeps 'em healthy and makes healthier eggs for your family, too. That's a total win.

Grub Bugs & Treats
Treat Time... It's Five o'cluck Somewhere.
Is it a secret that chickens love bugs? (If it is, we'll correct that here.) They LOVE bugs. One, they form part of a chicken's natural diet. When they're scratching and foraging, they're eating those insects. And what? Insects provide essential vitamins and minerals and are an excellent source of protein? Yep. They are.Grub bugsare a definite fav.

Oyster Shells & Grit
Shells Provided Calcium For Egg Shells & Grit Takes The Place Of Teeth
OYSTER SHELLS: Hens go through a pretty amazing process of building those eggs shells with calcium they recieve in their diet from oyster shells.
The shells are built last, usually overnight - and the process can drain your chicken of calcium and if they run out they might stop producing eggs.
GRIT? WE'VE GOT IT. When's the last time you saw a chicken tooth? Grit takes the place of what teeth do... it grinds and crushes the food in the gizzards. Chickens will self-regulate their grit intake, so no worries about overdoing it. But if they need some and can't get to any, they may end up with digestive problems.

Habitats & Accessories
Premium Bedding, Accessories & Natural Made Habitats
Looking for chicken bedding? Healthy pet greens? Toy Elf items? We've got you and your little cluckers covered. Check 'em out.
▶️ Videos
Check Out These Chickens Lovin' On Our Layer Feed
Yay for U.S. sourced and non-GMO feed, with herbs and botanicals built right in! Chicken approved... obviously.