Belinda asked for photos of bonded pets, and you definitely delivered. Check back often to enjoy new faces.
On Feb. 29, our spokesrabbit will choose 10 lucky pairs to receive a special goodie.
Buddies. Best friends.
Bonded Pair: Nibbler and Stewie
Their Story: I planned to only adopt 2 bunnies, a Netherland and a lop. But Nibbler (the black lop) was the last bun in the litter and looked so sad that he was losing his brothers that we adopted all 3.
- Shelby Stone. Golden, CO
Bonded Pair: Patches and Leeta
Their Story: Patches and Leeta found love in their old age! They bonded when they were 8 and 9 years old. Now 9 and 10, they're so happy to have somebun to spend their golden years with!
- Bethany. Livonia
Bonded Pair: Mr. BumbleBuns and Squishy
Their Story: Squishy was the runt of the litter and had to be hand fed from birth. His brother, Mr. BumbleBuns always takes care of him and does his cleaning for Squishy. They are best buns.
- Melinda H. Browns mills, NJ
Bonded Pair: Zeus & Archie
Their Story: Zeus was rescued in November from being used for meat. He was neglected, didn’t know what being loved was, etc. Archie is now a big brother to him and they love to play with each other. - Keirsten Bates. Robinson, IL
Bonded Pair: Zell and Mjölner
Their Story: I got Mjölner as a baby, after Zell had rejected his brother and former cage mate. It was love at first sight, Zell adored Mjölner. And Mjölner loved his new "uncle!" They love snuggle up together.
- Plexi. Sweden
Bonded Pair: Rex and Jesse
Their Story: Jesse came to me w/ facial scars & torn ears & PTSD. Jesse would instinctively fight, so it took years for Jesse to trust Rex. One day, Rex broke Jesse out of his cage & now live happily together.
- Gwen. High Point, NC
Bonded Pair: Otis and Lindy
Their Story: Otis and Lindy are both rescues from the Georgia house Rabbit Society!
- Chris Wood. Warner Robins
Bonded Pair: Leonard and Maggie
Their Story: Maggie was bullied by her old friend & became depressed living alone, now she has Leonard shes a completely new rabbit! Runs about! Grooming each other! They love each other!
- Harriet. Colchester, Essex
Bonded Pair: Rex (black) and Kiwi Louise (white)
Their Story: Kiwi is a bossy, sassy rescue, who we were told, doesn't tolerate other buns. But when Rex needed a home, we worked endlessly to add him into the mix. Now they love each other!
- Erin. Weirton, WV
Bonded Pair: Snowman and Ali Ali
Their Story: Ali Ali as a baby was taken in by Snowman. They've been together ever since
- Vander Vlis. Chilliwack, BC, Canada
Bonded Pair: Sam and Peanut
Their Story: Sam and Peanut were a birthday gift from my husband last year! They love to be pet and they even have their own little cozy beds.
- Em.
Bonded Pair: Goose and pop
Their Story: These two aren’t “in love” so much as are bonded.They are two very naughty brothers. we adopted them together from a shelter and they do fight but they always find themselves sleeping near each other
- Madie. Reisterstown
Bonded Pair: Harvey and Holly
Their Story: Harvey and Holly met after Holly lost her first husbun. She really struggled with the loss. Harvey came in to save the day and it was love at first sight.
- Sara Szubert. Stoughton, WI
Bonded Pair: Mocha and Charlie
Their Story: We adopted Mocha first, then decided she needed a husbun so we rescued Charlie...they are partners in crime. They love cuddling by the fire and playing "me first" when it's time for treats.
- Shannon E. Bothell, WA
Bonded Pair: Hazel and Henry
Their Story: Henry was a dumped bunny outside that we rescued, and we rescued Hazel from a home who said she was getting too big. Both big buns bonded right away and have been inseparable ever since!
- Kristina. High Bridge, NJ
Bonded Pair: Rosie and Munchie
Their Story: Rosie was rescued from a park in 2017. She was very distrusting of humans initially, but became such a little sweetheart. Munchie arrived as a tiny husband for her in 2019 and it’s now true love!
- Bunny Mama.
Bonded Pair: Pebbles and Bambam
Their Story: Looking for LOVE and their furever home. These two are WONDERFUL and can be held but they are big buns. Sweet, friendly, and energetic!
- Sara Coinin. Youngstown, OH
Bonded Pair: Oreo and Chance
Their Story: Oreo and Chance are adopted buns. Oreo was considered a one home rabbit but we put this to the test by bonding her with another bun ourselves. With just 3 bonding sessions they have been inseparable.
- Ashley Campos. San Ysidro
Bonded Pair: Bradley and Charlotte
Their Story: Bradley came to me from Alabama Rabbit Rescue and Charlotte was from a hoarding situation in Texas. They took to each other right away and they are inseparable now. My long distance couple❤️.
- Bunny Mom x 6. Culpeper, VA
Bonded Pair: Tink and Dash
Their Story: It was a grooming standoff and finally Dash won. Tink has been grooming him ever since. Tink has given Dash confidence for adventure and Dash gives Tink stability and he is very protective of her.
- Nicole Wieland. Venice, FL
Bonded Pair: Dorothy and Hank
Their Story: I adopted Dorothy first. After some speed dates, she fell in love with Hank, who had a rough past (found outside and hurt). They love each other, although sometimes bicker like an old married couple!
- Mallory Isip. Chicago, IL
Bonded Pair: Cinnabun and Cannoli
Their Story: Cinnabun was lonely so we went to a rabbit rescue and she picked Cannoli to be her bff
- TheBunBakery. Columbus, OH
Bonded Pair: Toasty and Beast
Their Story: Beast is the dominant wife and Toasty is always grooming and protecting her. They fell in love after 3 weeks of bonding.
- Bunnylovermom.
Bonded Pair: Luna (grey) and Bruce (black)
Their Story: They are, as far as we know when we adopted them, mother and son. So they are enjoying family time. Had them separate at first, but knew they'd be happier together.
- Sabrina. Le Claire, Iowa
Bonded Pair: Zeus and Boo Boos
Their Story: I rescued Boo Boos 2 years ago. Last January I saw Zeusy in a small cage with another male and knew I had to bring him home too. They bonded immediately and have been inseparable ever since!
- Amber, Taylorsville
Bonded Pair: Meme and Harley
Their Story: Meme was lonely and so I decided that I wanted to get him a friend. I thought it was best to adopt so they met up and the volunteers were very surprised. Harley was super happy with Meme.
- Lesly Ledgister :). MD
Bonded Pair:Benjamin and Summer
Their Story: enjamin and Summer love each other a lot! But they are not fully bonded yet. They have some territory issues, if you know what I mean. Still, Summer always gives Ben kisses.
- Enaid. Lake Forest, IL
Bonded Pair: Fiona and Simon
Their Story: I adopted Fiona, a Netherland Dwarf, in 2015 from a local rabbit rescue. In 2016 she found her soul mate Simon, a Havana, at the same rabbit rescue. It was love at first sight. Fiona is the boss.
- Deb S. Lincoln Univ., PA
Bonded Pair: Dylan and Roo
Their Story: It was love at first sight! After Dylan had a few bad dates that ended in humping, Roo was the last one girl left, and when they met, they snuggled right away!
- Amani. Ewing, NJ
Bonded Pair: Snow(white) & Cinder(ella)
Their Story: My Snow is completely deaf with impaired vision (not caused by her long fur!), and she relies on Cinder to tell her when it's time for greens, or when cookies are being handed out. :)
- Debbie. Glenview, IL
Bonded Pair: MoMo and Apa
Their Story: MoMo and Apa are both rescued buns. At first we just had MoMo but decided she needed a Pal, so we got little Apa and they bonded immediately with no effort. They are the cutest snuggle buns!!!
- Raquel Manzo. Kailua Kona
Bonded Pair: Pika and Chewy
Their Story: Best friends.- KT. Channelview, TX
Bonded Pair: Valentino and Chai T Bunny
Their Story: They love each other so much, they even sleep in the shape of a heart! ❤️
- Kelley Briggs. Cumberland, RI
Bonded Pair: Roxy and Clem
Their Story: I got both of them around a year ago when they were just babies and they have been best friends ever since! They love to cuddle and sleep together in their hidey-hut or hammock everyday!
- Alexis.
Bonded Pair: Trixie and Calliope
Their Story: I rescued Trixie and Calliope from our local SPCA as a bonded pair. They love hanging out together and eating their small pet select second cutting hay.
- Amy. Montoursville, PA
Bonded Pair: Westley and Buttercup
Their Story: Bonded at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria, they’ve been with us for almost 3 years. Buttercup is the boss lady, but adventurous Westley is no pushover. They spend most of their time snuggling!
- Kalistrya. Alexandria, VA
Bonded Pair: Vienna and Brexit Hoppendorf
Their Story: Vienna went to a 'speed date' session at our local rabbit rescue. After meeting a few buns and intimidating all of them, out comes Brexit - who now only cares about his Vienna...and dinner.
- Dani. Hamden, CT
Bonded Pair: Minnie and Orion
Their Story: Minnie's first husbun, Choo Choo, passed away. She was sad, but knew Choo Choo wanted her to be happy. She met Orion at the Colorado House Rabbit Society and now they nap their days away together!
- BunMa. Colorado
Bonded Pair: Rex and Ruby angel buns
Their Story: They were living in squalor & about to be thrown out to fend for themselves. Like all buns they had their own personalities and they gave me many years of love & laughter. Sweet dreams my angels.
- Valerie M. Fort Bragg, CA
Bonded Pair: Daisy and Leo
Their Story: Leo lost his bonded mate, so I found Daisy at a shelter where she was going to be put down. It took a little convincing, but a year later they realized they couldn’t eat without each other!
- Teresa. Texas
Bonded Pair: Booger and Bailey
Their Story: Brother & sister! Mini Rex love!- Lindsay. Fair Oaks, CA
Bonded Pair: Nabbit and Nibbler
Their Story: They're brothers who love to cuddle.- Eric F. Pratt
Bonded Pair: Barnaby and Harley Quinn
Their Story: We went to the shelter for one bunny but came home with two (for four total!). It was love at first sight for Harley Quinn and Barnaby - the easiest/fastest bonding we've ever done!
- Imbrium. Conroe, TX
Bonded Pair: Hazel and Fiver
Their Story: Hazel & Fiver are brother and sister who have never been apart. They’ve had their ups and downs like most siblings but they are the best of friends and are always by each other’s side.
- Donna. Sterling, VA
Bonded Pair: Smoky
Their Story: Smoky has been crushing on this bunny for a long time and wanted to ask him to be her date but is to nervous to be around him! But she will get confidence one day to ask him out!
- Smoky’s mom. Florida
Bonded Pair: Friday and Saturday
Their Story: Mrs. Friday, white Netherland dwarf and Mr. Saturday, Black English lop bonded almost immediately when they met. It was love at first hop when they were introduced. They love Orchard hay and Snackers!
- Kara. Wellington, CO
Bonded Pair: Mushu and Mulan
Their Story: Mushu & Mulan had their first date at Rabbit Haven Rabbit Shelter. It was love in less than hour. They got home Mushu loved & adored Mulan instantly. The rest is love!
- Amber Luisa Ortiz. Tacoma, WA
Bonded Pair: Gertie and Gwen
Their Story: They are sisters and best friends. Rescued from the meat industry. My funny bunnies 🐰🐰 I love them so very much! They bring such light to our lives and I hope we do the same for them 🐇🐇
- Ashley Lenton. Shoreline, WA
Bonded Pair: Piper and Sirius Black
Their Story: Piper was rescued from being someone’s meal in 2013. We have had her since she was 4 weeks old. Sirius Black was dumped outside in freezing temps 2017. The two fell in love and have been bonded since!
- Rachel Carbary.
Bonded Pair: Hops and Barley
Their Story: These two are brothers who were adopted twice and brought back twice. Third time was the charm and they’ve lived with us about a year. Through it all they have remained best buds who love each other!
- KJ. Mequon, WI
Bonded Pair: Ginger and Moolissa
Their Story: They are an adopted pair of sisters who do everything together, from zooming around their cage to napping in the hay they are always side by side.
- Kate. Westbury, NY
Bonded Pair: Cocoa and Lucy
Their Story: Cocoa and Lucy were unwanted by their previous owners. Once we adopted them, the love affair started. They enjoy spending their day grooming each others head and doing binkies together.
- Jennifer. Tallahassee, FL
Bonded Pair: Penelope and Dell
Their Story: Penelope had lost her two previous mates when Dell arrived at the rescue. Five years later, Penelope is now almost completely blind but she and Dell are always side by side.
- Kim. Erie, PA
Bonded Pair: Bruno and Stella
Their Story: Bruno was adopted 5 years ago. Then we adopted Stella and he found the best friend he never knew he wanted. True love.
- Kellerinstinct. Centerville, MA
Bonded Pair: Luna and Kiwi
Their Story: Luna is the little bunny and kiwi is the doggo, kiwi is sadly not my pet but is my sister and since they met they can’t stay away from each other!! We never thought the two would get along so well 🥰
- Luna. Austin, TX
Bonded Pair: Romeo and Isabella
Their Story: Romeo and Juliet were first loves but with a sudden death of his mate, scared he may be heartbroken, we brought home Isabella. They have been in love and inseparable ever since.
- Ashley. Mickleton
Bonded Pair:Amelia and Pepper
Their Story: Amelia, rescued after being abandoned in a Petco parking lot. Pepper, on his way to the shelter in a mesh cage in the rain. Now husbun and wife in a loving home. They love the beach.
- Tawn. Simi Valley, CA
Bonded Pair: Lucius and Jenna
Their Story: I adopted Jenna one week ago from the rabbit haven, who found her dumped in a field. She has already found love from my boy Lucius, and they bonded immediately. Now they are inseparable!
- Amanda. Soquel
Bonded Pair:Gabel and Miss Gray
Their Story: Both were adopted from different organizations. Miss Gray, at first didn’t take to kindly to Gabel’s curious nature. Slowly, his affections won her over and they could not be closer.
- DHurley. Camden, WV
Bonded Pair: Fat Fat and Jeannie
Their Story: They are both rescues and started off not liking each other. But now after a month of bonding they share a house and cuddle and have really turned into real gal pals🐹🐹
- Miya. Los Angeles, CA
Bonded Pair: Sneaky Pete and Jobo
Their Story: Sneaky Pete (harlequin) & Jobo (white lionhead) love to be near each other, even though they have opposite personalities! Pete is calm & relaxed while Jobo is hyper & a bit growly!
- Summer. Atlanta, GA
Bonded Pair: Sheldon and Octane
Their Story:
- Finley. Madbury
Bonded Pair: Andy and Esther
Their Story: Andy was enamored with meeting a lady bun I rescued and the two became instant magnets! They go everywhere together. Here they are sharing a romantic meal of greens.
- Meghan. Delaware, OH
Bonded Pair: Bella and Archie
Their Story: Bella didn’t like Archie at first. There was no good neutral territory to bond them, but when we moved into our new house they became the best of friends!
- Katelyn, Chesterton, IN
Bonded Pair: Clover (Holland lop) and Marshmallow (New Zealand)
Their Story: Clover is our first love, but we realized he might be even happier with a mate. Working with the House Rabbit Network, we set up a date. He chose Marshmallow, and within 10 days they were besties.
- Jen. Framingham
Bonded Pair: Charlie Brown and Henry
Their Story: Charlie was alone after his companion passed. Henry was the perfect one to brighten his day. Charlie became interested in life again. I had never seen a 5 year old boy popcorn before. Happiness ♥️
- Tiana. Alamogordo
Bonded Pair: Brooklyn and Bailey
Their Story: Both were rescue bunny’s who came from a bad situation and lost love. Chocolate bunny (Bailey) is the “older woman” and 4 years later they are still 2 cuddle bunnies who adore each other
- Bunnylover. Arlington, TX
Bonded Pair: TJ and Mitsy
Their Story: Met at the EARS rescue in December of 2018 and fell in love right away (bonded in 20 minutes). The eat, run the rabbit 200 around their pen, groom each other, and sleep side by side. True Love.
- Diane L Kennedy. Tonawanda, NY
Bonded Pair: Muffin and Finnegan
Their Story: Muffin and Finnegan were bonded at Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary. We adopted them as a bonded pair. Has Muffin Found True Love? is a YouTube video of their meeting during the 2012 Bunny Olympics.
- Bunny Lady. Roseville, MI
Bonded Pair: Peach and Thumper
Their Story: Thumper was 1 and 1/2 when he met Peach. She was just a young bun but after her spay, he instantly fell in love with her floppy ears and now they spend every day together either snacking or cuddling!
- Jen.
Bonded Pair: Oliver Sacks and Maisey
Their Story: 3 yr old Ollie LIVES playing tag, but 6 yr old Maisey not so much! But they're inseperable while eating & sleeping, & I've caught them grooming each other "on the sly!" They take great care of me too!
- Kim. De Pere, WI
Bonded Pair: Curtis the bunny and Phoenix the cat
Their Story: I was worried my cats wouldn't take to Curtis the bunny when I adopted him. My rescue cat Phoenix loved him right away and even grooms his long-eared best buddy! Every day is full of smiles here!
- Marie Carter. Union
Bonded Pair: Winston (NZ Red) and Hannah (Rhinelander)
Their Story: Both Hannah and Winston were adopted from Bunny Rescue near Nashville. Winston two years ago this month and Hannah just this past June. They are inseparable, and full of all sorts of bunny mischief!
- Proud Bunny Parents Terry and Jeanne. Murfreesboro, TN
Bonded Pair: Corazoncito (“Little Heart”) and Jujube
Their Story: Jujube was always chased and picked on by her siblings. When we adopted Corazoncito, true to his name, he had a loving heart (and a rambunctious personality) and became best buds with Jujube!
- Lisa R. Sacramento, CA
Bonded Pair: Rico and Dante
Their Story: Adopted from the same Foster at different times, Rico is a Lionhead mix Dante is a mini-Rex. Being boys, I thought they would fight, but they snuggled immediately. They love their Meadow Loops.
- BunnyGirl68. Panama City, FL
Bonded Pair:Sebastian and Abbygayle
Their Story: This was NOT love at first sight. Sebastian & Abbygayle are strong-willed, independent buns. It took almost a 1 1/2 years to bond them. Now they have secret bunny talks & plan mischief together!!!
- Stephanie. Omaha, NE
Bonded Pair: Tom and Zoey
Their Story: Zoey was a rescue who was timid and fearful. She met Tom through a series of strange coincidences and it was love at first sight! They were meant to be together and are inseparable now.
- Frank G. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Ruxin (L) and Thor (R)
Their Story: Ruxin and Thor haven’t always been bonded but 2019 was a rough year. Thor and ruxin both lost their cagemate in 2019. So I felt I had to Atleast try to bond them. Worked right away. So happy for them
- Grand Central Pig. Bellevue, NE
Bonded Pair: Raspberry
Their Story: When I adopted Raspberry the shelter said she was an alpha rabbit & would prefer the company of just humans! So, my baby is bonded to me! Every morning I wake up to her nudging me with her little nose!
- Raspberry & Mercer. Wilmington, NC
Bonded Pair: Winnie and Mallow
Their Story: We rescued Winnie and Mallow from Wheek Care Guinea Pig Rescue. Mallow is Winnie's mommy so they have been together furever! They enjoy parading single file, snuggling toys, and "beet night" dinners.
- Emily. Copley, OH
Bonded Pair: Evie (white) and Harvey (calico)
Their Story: These buns are more like siblings than loves! They hang out and loaf together but enjoy chasing each other when the treats come out. Evie is definitely the sassy little sister.
- Heather. Bend, OR
Bonded Pair: Lucky and Nana
Their Story: Lucky was a single bun for 3 years and we felt he needed a wife. We adopted Nana because she was the same age and had been at the animal shelter for over a year. They met and fell instantly in love.
- Carla. Metairie
Bonded Pair: Snowflake and his Princess
Their Story: These two have been together for over 4 1/2 years. For punishment I separate them and that works.
- Darrell. Bozeman, MT
Bonded Pair: Mocha and Benny
Their Story: Benny didn't quite know how to be a rabbit, but after meeting Mocha he certainly learned! Like any relationship, they've had their ups and downs, but they're absolutely inseparable.
- Meagan. Flushing, NY
Bonded Pair: Greta and Penny
Their Story: These girls are sisters I adopted from a rescue. It took me almost 9 months to fully bond them. Now they groom each other & cause all sorts of mischief for me! I can't imagine life without them.
- Susan. Akron, OH
Bonded Pair:Jack and Bed
Their Story: Jack loves his bed. He loves it so much that he will do whatever it takes to snooze on it.
- Patrick Rady. Ypsilanti, MI
Bonded Pair: Kevin, Pikachu and Tulip
Their Story: A year ago we had a pair, Kevin and Pikachu. Tulip was living outside and severe winter weather was coming. We brought her in but thought we couldn’t bond in a 3rd rabbit. They proved us wrong.
- Lapinette. Holland, MI
Bonded Pair: Pouf and Petunia
Their Story: We thought Pouf (lionhead) was hoppy until we saw how amazing having a best bun friend was with Petunia (Dutch). They met on a bunny speed date, and have been inseparable since!
- Erika. New York, NY
Bonded Pair: Leo and Cookie
Their Story: Leo and Cookie have been bonded for about six months. They love to cuddle with one another and Leo enjoys grooming Cookie.
- Ashlee. Rochester, MN
Bonded Pair: Bruno andBlu
Their Story: Bruno joined our family as a baby and after a few months we thought he might enjoy some company! We were lucky enough to rescue Blu, a sassy little girl who became his sidekick and partner in crime :)
- Jaime. Kensington, MD
Bonded Pair: Poppy and Ruby
Their Story: I rescued them when they were at the humane society and they were bonded. Poppy's a long haired Peruvian guinea pig and Ruby's a American guinea pig. I am so glad I got them. They love your hay!!!!!!
- Parker. Seattle, WA
Bonded Pair: Winter and Holly
Their Story: Winter & Holly were abandoned outside, our rescue The Fluffle House got them. They have been at the rescue awaiting their furever home for over 125 days. They are always together and love to snuggle.
- The Fluffle House. Traverse City, MI
Bonded Pair: Herb Holland and Ludacris “Luda” Lop
Their Story: Bun bromance is real! Clicker train apart but all else they do together. Nap/play/eat/tricks/explore/bun-struction. Herb (brn) was sick and Luda (B&W) stayed super close whole time. I got you bro!
- #Bunsonsaregreat. WI
Bonded Pair: Bo and Willie
Their Story: Bo disliked all buns. Willie wanted a friend after Penny passed. Bo would always bite him on the nose. 2 years passed, he never gave up.1 day she allowed him to groom her. Persistence won him over.
- Kat. Pleasant Hill, CA
Bonded Pair: Margie and Palmer
Their Story: Margie lost her husbun unexpectedly in the fall. Since she had been sad and lonely. Palmer was at the same rescue where we found Margie. She was absolutely head over heals for Palmer, he came around.
- Sarahmotherofbunnies. OH
Bonded Pair: Gigi (lop) and Georgie (dutch)
Their Story: G&G were love at first sight - they groomed on their first date! When a tragic accident left Gigi partially disabled, I feared they'd never live together again. 6 months later here they are again :)
- Caroline. West Palm Beach, Florida
Bonded Pair: "Fuffy" Cosmo and "Tilly" Tilky
Their Story: Jason brought Cosmo as I was bereft losing a beloved bun: Soon a neighbor brought a bun in need. Ooops. (Dad & bros in superb homes.) Tilky-the 1 girl-is all grooms & the binkiest: Our love buns!
- Michell and Jason. Melbourne, FL
Bonded Pair: Babbitty and Dexter
Their Story: Babbitty is a senior special needs bunny adopted from Ohio House Rabbit Rescue. She chose Dexter to be her husbun. He was adopted from Columbus House Rabbit Society.
- Tracy. Columbus, OH
Bonded Pair: Mercy and David
Their Story: When David lost Neo, his first bonded buddy, he stayed in their litterbox for days. Enter cheerful Mercy. They stayed tightly bonded until David passed on 31 January. Zen Blend is helping Mercy now.
- Pamela. Rising Sun, IN
Bonded Pair: Ezie and Ziggy
Their Story: Ezie (right) was my first rescue, and she was NOT happy when I brought Ziggy (left) home. Now look at them! Always kissing.
- Dakota Marcin. Pittsburgh
Bonded Pair: Charlie (female) and Echo (male)
Their Story: Echo came to us 2 weeks after we lost our first Bun Clyde. He loved Charlie almost immediately and kept at her till she loved him back. Now they are inseparable and kiss all the time <3
- Jen. Bucksport
Bonded Pair: Teddy and Buster
Their Story: They are BFFs! They cuddle and groom each other.- Jo-Mei Chang. Sutton, MA
Bonded Pair: Bun and Phoebe
Their Story: I got Bun when I was 5 and Phoebe when I was 11. I love everything about rabbits and want to pursue a career in them I love your website so much! I have ordered many times and will keep ordering!!🐰❤️
- Faith. Lakewood Ranch
Bonded Pair: Steven and Connie
Their Story: Steven was a lonely guy from a pet shop who ruled the roost after he came home. Until Connie came along and made him realize he has to share everything, including mom. Now they're inseparable.
- Bunmom2. Bellingham, WA
Bonded Pair: Sweetness and Liddabit
Their Story: They were both rescued from a starvation situation. They would go running one at a time and ended up becoming bonded. Sweetness is now blind but Liddabit is now her forever guide.
- Terri Friesner. Leesburg
Bonded Pair: Felix (black, girl) and QTip (white, boy)
Their Story: Felix chose QTip while speed dating at GA HRS. Her grief made it take over half a year to bond. She likes to tease. QTip is a sensitive bunny and a bit of a clown. He plays the piano to beg for treats
- Larry. Acworth, GA
Bonded Pair: Essa and Celie
Their Story: After I lost Petra which was Essa partner since birth I got Celie because Essa and my other piggie Rakka were being inactive I could tell they were feeling down and from day one Essa and Celie bonded.
- Jake. Cheyenne, WY
Bonded Pair: Maple and Snowball
Their Story: Maple and Snowy hated each other until we decided to let them play together! Now they love snuggling and kisses.
- Bunny mom :)
Bonded Pair: Finn and Pearl
Their Story: We had Finn (black & white male) for about 5 years before we finally got our second. We adopted Pearl (white & gray lionhead female) when she was 8 months old. They quickly became inseparable!
- Briana Mayer. Green Bay, WI
Bonded Pair: Pablo and Maisie
Their Story: When Maisie the kitten met Pablo the bunny it was love at first sight! They play, groom, and even shade the same cuddle pod together. They’re very gentle with each other, like best friends should be.
- Kelly. St. Louis, MO
Bonded Pair: Domino and Bella
Their Story: It was love at first sight with these two. I couldn’t have asked for a better bonded pair.
- Vanessa. Deltona, FL
Bonded Pair: JJ and Auggie
Their Story: JJ and Auggie are bonded littermates who sure do love each other, but occasionally also like to bully one another just like typical sisters!
- Danielle. Topsham, ME
Bonded Pair: Sassy and Churro
Their Story: We first adopted Sassy but were given Churro a couple months later. These 2 are now inseperable. Together they sleep, zoomie, explore and eat. They fill each others' hearts and ours as well.
- M.S.C. Brush Prairie
Bonded Pair: Benny and Jessica Sandoval
Their Story: We rescued Jessica in July of 2019, and adopted Benny January 16 of 2020. They were bonded in 2 days! But of course we still waited a week just to make sure. (Had no problems) Inseparable ever since!
- Adrianna Sandoval. Hesperia
Bonded Pair: Lucca and Poppy
Their Story: It was love at first sight! Lucca was my first bun and I was nervous about the bonding process. It was instant love between Lucca and Poppy when they met and they're still crazy about each other today.
- Jade. San Francisco, CA
Bonded Pair: Mr. Peepers and his Luna
Their Story: Peepers went on a speed date at the rescue, he met other buns but it was love at first sight with Luna. For 4 years they have never spent a night apart and can always be found snuggling and kissing.
- Anonymous. Hackettstown, NJ
Bonded Pair: Pipkin and Maraschino
Their Story: We were told Pipkin needed a friend so we adopted Maraschino. He supported her through her recovery from surgery and they have been best friends ever since!
- Alex. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Smokey and Chinny
Their Story: Smokey came home 1st and lonely. Her best friend followed shortly after. In love over 4 years
- !. Coventry, RI
Bonded Pair: Norma and Mouse (and Ori)
Their Story: Norma & Mouse were found abandoned outside an apartment. They were brought to the MSPCA & waited for me for 5 months. Now they, & their shared boyfriend Ori, live in free roaming love paradise.
- Kelley. Dracut, MA
Bonded Pair:Cookie and Buttercup
Their Story: Cookie lost her sister to an intestinal blockage. We found her a new cage mate because Cookie was so depressed after her sister died. We introduced Buttercup and it was friendship at first sight.
- Sarah R. Sparta, TN
Bonded Pair: Ezra and Aries
Their Story: After a few bad blind dates, Ezra found his furever friend, Aries. They hit it off right away sharing hay and veggies. After a couple months of dating exclusively they decided to move in together.
- Lauren. CA
Bonded Pair: Biscuit and Bailey
Their Story: Biscuit and Bailey bonded in foster care. I adopted them from a rescue organization 4 years ago, and they are inseparable!
- Jeanne. Colorado Springs, CO.
Bonded Pair: AJ Cannon and Stormcloud
Their Story: AJ was dumped in a cardboard box at my work and Stormcloud was surrendered by a family in crisis. They had a date in the dining room over a beautiful salad and have been inseparable since.
- Susan Holl. Saint Petersburg
Bonded Pair:Chester and Snowbunny
Their Story: Snowbunny loves to be groomed by Chester. Snowbunny will follow Chester hoping to get kitty kisses everyday. Chester and Snowbunny are best friends.
- Anonymous. Edgewood, NM
Bonded Pair:Piglet and Nibbles
Their Story: Our boys were best buds from the start! Can't be apart or they start squeaking and making a fuss. Always together these boys love each other!
- Ayme. Northfield, OH
Bonded Pair: Joshua and Francesca
Their Story: Joshua and Francesca were adopted as a bonded pair from Brambly Hedge Rabbit Rescue in 2013. No one can speak Bunny as well as these two. They have a love story for the ages!
- Ann. Apache Junction, AZ
Bonded Pair: Luna and Rusty!!
Their Story: Now this isn’t lunas🐰 only doggo friend 🤗 but this is his little brother rusty! They met not to long ago and rusty loves to chase Luna around the rv, and same goes for Luna these two are crazy!!!
- Anna Henry. Spicewood, TX
Bonded Pair: Mochi and Oreo
Their Story: We adopted Oreo first and Mochi soon after. Before they bonded, they would sit nose to nose in their adjacent pans and then fight, but now that they are bonded Oreo spoils and grooms her a lot!
- Lamsi. Washington
Bonded Pair: Aggie and Ollie
Their Story: Aggie is a brave, adventurous Mama's girl who loves to snack. Ollie loves his bunwife and his mama, and he loves daily massage and kisses, and even spares some for the family dog.
- Elle Kabonk. Genesee, ID
Bonded Pair: Sally and Caramel
Their Story: My husband and I took our two kids (8 & 10 at the time) to pick out their first pets. They immediately felt a connection with Sally & Caramel. The pigs became BFF's & our family has fallen in love ❤️
- Jill Suzanne. Horn Lake, MS
Bonded Pair: Kumquat and Marzipan
Their Story: Kumquat is really chill but Marzi was a rescue and is always nervous. She’ll stress out over nothing but Kumquat is always there to comfort her and lets her have all the good nap spots as well.
- Michael. Los Angeles
Bonded Pair:Mr. Black and Ms. Toffee
Their Story: Mr. Black spent 3 years as a bachelor before finding his love of the life - Ms. Toffee. Not knowing how to love, Ms. Toffee melt him with kisses and mounting. Now, they are inseparable. Thanks #SDHRS
- Big B. Las Vegas, NV
Bonded Pair: Oatmeal and Sherman
Their Story: We've had Oats (our first rabbit) since she was a baby in 2013. After realizing she needed a friend we adopted Sherman in 2015. It took them awhile to get along, but have been together ever since .
- SSM. Union Furnace, OH
Bonded Pair: Bobbie and Billie
Their Story: I rescued my Bobbie from an owner who wasn’t caring for her properly and she ended up having a litter, after rehoming all her babies she became extremely depressed so when I could she got a friend
- Abby. Reno,NV
Bonded Pair: Annie and Clover
Their Story: It was ❤️ at first sight when Annie and Clover met. Clover laid next to the X pen where Annie was homed. The enclosure was taken down and the bunnies snuggled and have been best buns forever.
- FlufferNutterMom. East Rochester, NY
Bonded Pair: Rocket and Buttercup
Their Story: Rocket man ,gray mini Rex and Buttercup ,harlequin have never been apart! They are husbun and wife buns we got 5 years ago. Rocket was protecting Buttercup and would not let her out of his sight!
- Bunnyzmama. Cape Coral FL
Bonded Pair: Louie and Stevie
Their Story: I took Louie to Wheek Care Guinea Pig Rescue for boarding. While he was there Stevie was surrendered. They bonded instantly. Louie is 4 and Stevie will be 5 soon.
- Donna. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Bufflehead and Missy
Their Story: They fell in love at first sight, spending many hours grooming, cuddling and binkying.
- Kerry. Southend-on-Sea Essex, UK, GB
Bonded Pair: Lorelei and Saoirse
Their Story: These cuties are bonded sisters, rescued from a human society where they had lived for over 4 months. They now get lots of love and treats in their forever home!
- Colleen. Seattle
Bonded Pair: Sammy (black and tan coonhound), Olaf (Bichon Frise) and Ophelia (gray cat).
Their Story: Sammy, Olaf, and Ophelia are best pals. They play, eat, and sleep together (in my bed of course). I call them my three musketeers. They especially enjoy eating and getting into mischief.
- Trin. Lexington, VA
Bonded Pair: Oswald and Penelope
Their Story: Oswald and Penelope are both rescues from accidental liters. Oswald slightly older and was housed alone for some time. He immediately became infatuated with Penelope as soon as I brought her home.
- Natalie. Colorado Springs
Bonded Pair: Lottie and Charlie
Their Story: Lottie is the boss, and Charlie doesn't mind one bit. They spend their days snoozing and cuddling--who could ask for more!
- Nikki. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Leo and Josie
Their Story: Leo and Josie are inseparable, and have been for 8 years. Because Leo has 3 legs, Josie spends her days grooming him and protecting him against any human who dares try to clip his nails or brush him!
- Sarah. Tampa, FL
Bonded Pair: Polly and Ping
Their Story: Polly is a foster fail who no one wanted, we caught Ping who had been dumped and was living outside. Now they are in love in their forever home. 8lbs, 2.5 lbs respectively. They love to binky.
- Patty Kovacic. Hackettstown, NJ
Bonded Pair: Bella, Cookie Dough and Rocky Road
Their Story: We wanted a bunny friend for Bella. My sons fell in love with sisters, Cookie and Rocky who were already bonded and didn't have the heart to separate them. They all liked each other immediately!
- Michele. Blue Bell, PA
Bonded Pair: Felix and Basil
Their Story: Two ornery brothers who love to toss hay balls and hop over each other. After a busy playtime, full of binkies and mischief, they flop next to each other in an adorable yin yang pattern.
- Anonymous. Ohio
Bonded Pair: Ellie and Nabisco
Their Story: Ellie and Nabisco were surrendered by their previous owner and we adopted them as a bonded pair. They love to lay down next to each other.
- Amanda. Philadelphia, PA
Bonded Pair: Pebbles and Blossom
Their Story: Both rescued from tremendous abuse and neglect, Pebbles and Blossom have overcome their pasts by learning love from eachother!They can usually be found cuddling with Pebbles using Blossom as a pillow.
- Cora. La Canada, CA
Bonded Pair: Merry and Banner
Their Story: 2 yr old Merry was a single girl. Life was disrupted when 4 mo old affectionate and full of energy Banner hopped into her life. After a rough start the two fell in love and made much mischief together
- Yaz. Colchester, VT
Bonded Pair: Sprinkles and Dio
Their Story: Sprinkles and Dio hated each other at first. But now they are best friends. Unless food is involved. Then they fight over whoever gets the biggest piece. Sprinkles often steals the larger share.
- Brittany Gordner. Williamsport, PA
Bonded Pair: Sierra and Andre
Their Story: Sierra and Andre are a new couple - Sierra has been bonded with her litter mate her whole life, and they recently met their hoomans' fosters. Sierra is enjoying a big boy who is not her brother.
- Triscuit. Washington
Bonded Pair:Colette and Toulouse
Their Story: These babies were adopted from Reenie's Rabbit Rescue in upstate New York. Colette was rescued from a hoarding situation, and Toulouse was rescued after being found on the grounds of a rural farm.
- Devon. Albany
Bonded Pair: Molly and Ginny Weasley
Their Story: Molly and Ginny are a mother and daughter. We adopted them from a friend who was no longer able to have them.
- The Pattersons. Lehigh Valley, PA
Bonded Pair: Coco and Snow
Their Story: They are inseparable! Sassy Snow and friendly Coco💕 They have completely different personalities and that makes them a perfect pair!
- Coco and Snow. Texas
Bonded Pair: Mumbles and Nugget
Their Story: Sisters from a litter that I adopted. One was sick and looked to be almost gone. Brought both home and now she's doing a lot better with a good forever home and diet from small pet select.
- Dorothy. Bellevue
Bonded Pair: Ester and Harey
Their Story: Ester was an only bun for a year. This pic is from her first bonding session with Harey. He was instantly in love. She took longer to warm up. Now they nap together and steal snacks from each other!
- Aimee. Freeland, MI
Bonded Pair:Nyssa and Oliver
Their Story: Adopted separately from the Humane Society our bonding process was anything but smooth but today’s a different story. We are inseparable and do everything together. We were simply meant to be.
- Me & Mrs Queen. Fort Worth, TX
Bonded Pair: Trucy (left) and Pearl (right)
Their Story: Both Trucy and Pearl were adopted at different times from the same human society. They weren't sure what to make of each other at first. It took a month to bond, but now they're inseparable.
- Jessica. Alexandria, MN
Bonded Pair: Cinnabun and Bunbun
Their Story: we rescued Cinnabun from being dumped out in the snow. We didn’t know how our queen lionhead would react, but she busted him out of the Xpen the second night and they’ve been inseparable ever since.
- Desi Hawkins. Fort Dodge, IA
Bonded Pair: PeachFuzz and HoneyBee
Their Story: PeachFuzz was a Bachelor & quickly fell in love with HoneyBee when we adopted her from the shelter. PeachFuzz loves to spend his time grooming HoneyBee & making sure she looks her best.
- Jillyn. Lehi, Utah
Bonded Pair: Pippin and Merry
Their Story: Pippin and Merry are brother and sister. They love to cuddle and fight over the same piece of lettuce or treat.
- Emrys. Salt Lake City, UT
Bonded Pair: Han and Chewie
Their Story: Han and Chewie are brothers that I got when they were 2 months old. They love snuggling in their castle or fleece tunnel and eating parsley.
- Melissa. Farmer City
Bonded Pair: Darling and Oliver
Their Story: I had saved Oliver when he was about 6 months old. I had him for about a 1yr before I decided he needed a bun wife. We drove 3 hrs both ways to a rescue for Darling. They connected right away.
- Emily Guynn. West Melbourne
Bonded Pair: The Holland Lop is Chester, the Lionhead is Nym.
Their Story: Chester and Nym came from two different places (both needed saving). Chester and Nym fought all the time. It took a lot of time and work, but Nym and Chester are now brothers and are inseparable!
- Mary. Dallas, TX
Bonded Pair:Holly and Winter
Their Story: Holly and Winter were rescued by The Fluffle House after being dumped outdoors in Michigan. They have so in love and so happy to have full bellies and warm blankets.
- The Fluffle House. Traverse City, MI
Bonded Pair: Whiskey and Mojito
Their Story: Whiskey was a Flemish Giant who was released into the wild. When she was rescued, she was pregnant. Mojito was the tint of her litter. She was in the rescue the longest when we adopted her and her son
- Cassie. Coconut creek, FL
Bonded Pair: Duffy and Mommy
Their Story: Duffy has been our baby since he was 10 weeks old. He LOVES to be kissed and snuggled, and he follows me everywhere. I think he is bonded with me! His daddy and I love him more than words can say.
- Jacqui. Amherst, VA
Bonded Pair:Dusty and Nala
Their Story: They bickered for months thumping with disapproval but deep down in their hearts they longed for each-other's kisses They soon tore down the cage that separated them and became cuddle buddies for life
- HJ. Willowbrook, IL
Bonded Pair: Charlie and Milo
Their Story: Charlie (cavalier) and Milo (Lop) are best friends. They love to race around the house, play outside and just stretch out and nap together.
- Kim. North Ridgeville, OH
Bonded Pair: Olive and Houdini
Their Story: Olive was single and having a tough time finding love. After six attempts, I introduced her to Houdini. My fingers were crossed and I held my breath. Finally, and unbelievably a match was made.
- Sondra. Kanab, UT
Bonded Pair: FuFu and Mocha
Their Story: It wasn't love at first site but with time and patience they have become Mr and Mrs Buniluv
- Roxane. Wisconsin
Bonded Pair: Jack and Amora
Their Story: They met 3 years ago over a slice of banana and have been bonded ever since. Amora loves kissing Jack. Jack is not as affectionate but shows his love by not stealing Amora’s Berry Basil mini cookie.
- Brian. Morris plains, NJ
Bonded Pair: Dexter and Evie
Their Story: Dexter was terrified of Evie for when we got her. Then, we were out of town for a few days. They escaped from their cages. Don't know what happened but they've been friends ever since.
- Jkeemin. Ann Arbor, MI
Bonded Pair: Ori and Norma
Their Story: Norma & her sister Mouse were abandoned outside. A few months after having them home, I felt somebunny was missing. I looked & looked & found Ori. He loves both his girls & food. He LOVES food!
- Kelley. Dracut, MA
Bonded Pair: Dusty and Twilight
Their Story: They hated eachother when I adopted Twilight and then one day they were BEST buds. They went from fur flying to licking each other in a matter of months
- Jordan. Florida
Bonded Pair: Potato and Luna
Their Story: From the moment they met, they knew they had a bond so true. Irreseperable from one another, they were never blue. The love of two sisters, united as one. Potato is five and Luna is two.
- Penny. DEKALB
Bonded Pair: Laufi and Cooper
Their Story: Four months we dated and poop-bombed each other's pens. Our parents almost gave up on us bonding because somebun (Coop) refused to give kisses. And then? One night Coop escaped his pen to be together!
- A & R.
Bonded Pair: Guinness and Poe
Their Story: Upon doing much research on piggies after getting Guinness, I learned that it was mandatory he have a friend! So I got Poe! And they hit it off immediately and have been best friends ever since!
- Lindsey. Columbus
Bonded Pair: Mr. Buddha and Peek-A-Boo
Their Story: Mr Buddha and Ms Peeks were in love at first sight. I brought Buddha home for peeks as she began to grow lonely. Soon as he arrived she stayed close to his side. They cannot leave each others side.
- Mr. Buddha. Owatonna
Bonded Pair: Skedaddles and Whim
Their Story: Skedaddles met Whim at the animal rescue in 2016. Whim was a feisty boxing lady and Skedaddles was used to being the queen of the house. They tussle from time to time, but they always quickly make-up.
- Holly. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Thumper and BunBun
Their Story: We took in BunBun from someone who no longer wanted her and decided she needed a friend. Did play dates with Thumper and it was pretty much love at first sight! We adopted Thumper. Now best friends♥️
- Blondie. South Beloit, IL
Bonded Pair: Kiara and Hooch
Their Story: Kiara was from a shelter and went thru 2 owners before we got her. Hooch our golden watched over kiara thru a stasis issue and surgery for dental disease both touch and go. They are best buds!
- Hoocher. Hookstown, PA
Bonded Pair: Remi and Ebony
Their Story: Remi and Ebony love story only starts about 2 weeks ago. When we began to bond my babies Ebony was in love at first sight. Remi was not happy about it. After just 7 sessions they are happily in love.
- Maddie. Mobile, AL
Bonded Pair: Ruthie and Ranger
Their Story: I adopted Ruthie (grey & white) Valentine's Day 2015 and later got Ranger as a companion for her. It wasn't love at first site, but with time they became pals and bonded over their mutual love of food
- Ashley. TX
Bonded Pair: Bailey (black) and Buttercup (white with brown)
Their Story: Bailey was an only child until they became sisters just this last August when we adopted Buttercup, who was only 8 months old, from Oakhurst Guinea Pig Rescue in Decatur, GA.
- Rebecca. Marietta
Bonded Pair: Peanut and Pepper
Their Story: These lil sisters have been inseparable since I got them! They're two weeks apart in age, and Pepper took to Peanut so fast; no rabbit bonding trials needed! They love to steal one another's treats :)
- Stephanie Sona. Verona, NJ
Bonded Pair: Birkir and Freya
Their Story: I met Freya while donating holiday toys & treats to my local bunny-centric no-kill shelter & fell in love. After a few play dates with Birkir we brought Freya home & they’ve been buddies ever since!
- Anjali. Chicago, IL
Bonded Pair: Fefe andCurta
Their Story: Both are rescues. We've had Fefe 2 yrs and Curta 6 months (she's 7.5 years old). Fefe wouldn't bond. We took in Curta. Curta's sister had died before we got her. They love each other, are spoiled.
- Carole Senese. San Diego, CA
Bonded Pair: Gaston, Henrietta and Sulliva
Their Story: Our trio has had a rocky love story that’s really too long to share in 200 characters! We celebrate their love this month because the bonding has been a struggle but now they snuggle all the time.
- Fluff and Ears. Arlington, VA
Bonded Pair: Baby Pig and Mr. Beans
Their Story: Baby Pig was adopted from a college lab at 4 years old. She had always been alone. Despite her health issues, she had a great 2.75 years with us, & loved pillows, burrowing, and fresh treats. RIP BP<3
- Raianna. New Hampshire
Bonded Pair: Honeybunn and Jupiter
Their Story: Jupiter was found abandoned in a park where he was brought home to meet his new true love! Bonding has been stressful, but much worth it
- Natalie. Tampa, FL
Bonded Pair: Bramble and Bean
Their Story: They were born outside in summer. I adopted them at 8 weeks old. After they were spayed their bond was broken and they were separated for 2 years! Now they're back together and loving life!
- Becca M. Norristown, PA
Bonded Pair: Willie and Quincy
Their Story: Willie and Quincy are both from Wonderland Rabbit Rescue near Detroit. Willie was in the first litter of bunnies rescued by them. He had 2 other besties before Quincy. They are best buds and beg well!
- Lisa Rutledge. Taylor, MI
Bonded Pair: Booboo and Clark
Their Story: Booboo (right) a gentle soul, lost her1st husbun. Clark came into her life. He never had a partner and wasn't sure what to do. Boo taught Clark how to be a caring husbun. Boo crossed the bridge.
- Janet. Singers Glen
Bonded Pair: Felix and Tula Bink
Their Story: Felix and Tula have been best friends for two years now. They didn't get along well at first, but now follow each other everywhere! Both are rescues from the local animal shelter.
- Kate. Midvale, UT
Bonded Pair: Ollie and Monkey
Their Story: It was love at first sight!- Nicole Evans-Estenson. Chippewa Falls
Bonded Pair: Sassy (black Silver Fox), Harvey (New Zealand REW), Zeus (Californian)
Their Story: My Trio are all rescues either from AHS or MN Companion Rabbit Society. Sassy is her way or no way. Harvey & Zeus are very laid back and loving. It's always interesting when they're out free roam.
- Lynn Kuehn. St. Louis Park, M
Bonded Pair: Panda and Radar O'Reilly
Their Story: Panda has lost her 1st mate and went into a deep depression, hardly eating and sitting in a corner all day. So the decision was made to adopt Radar. At first Panda was mad but then they fell in love.
- Colleen. Rochester, NY
Bonded Pair:Duchess and Harrison
Their Story: We adopted Duchess (Lionhead) as a baby. A year later, I saw Harrison’s (minilop) photo on the Facebook of a local rabbit rescue, and it was love at first sight. Luckily, they bonded immediately.
- Cristina. Wichita, KS
Bonded Pair: Liberty (bunny) andSydney (dog)
Their Story: I adopted Liberty from the shelter after falling in love with her! I was nervous to bring her home to my beagle mix, but they love each other! Sydney loves licking her ears and Liberty doesn’t mind!
- Kaitlyn. Erie, PA
Bonded Pair: CocoBean
Their Story: I adopted CocoBean in 2018. He loves lying near me, and head rubs for hours! He also loves when I give him kisses. He's my little bonded buddy!
- Gina Marie. Massachusetts
Bonded Pair: Harvey and Marilyn
Their Story: They found love within hours of being in the same room, and began mirroring each other like soul mates. They always sleep together!
- Lee. NC
Bonded Pair: Deacon
Their Story: He looooves his daddy. We have just rescued Lulu Belle and hopefully they will bond. Lulu Belle came from a bad situation and we can’t introduce them until she has had a chance to heal up.
- Susan. Austin, TX
Bonded Pair: Buttercup and Sherrie
Their Story: Buttercup needed someone to take of him and he met Sherrie (bigger bunny) through speed dating. She always looks after him.
- ClaudiaV. New York
Bonded Pair: Daphanie and Benny
Their Story: This is a picture of my daughter & her Guinea Pig Benny. Benny was adopted by us after being in a home where he was thrown down a flight of stairs and broke a hip. We gave him a new home full of love
- Michelle. Afton, OK
Bonded Pair: Lola Bun and Patrick Piggy
Their Story: Lola bonded with 2 girl piggies in our home in the past. I rescued Patrick last year. He adores Lola! She is gentle and lets him groom her face. They lay side by side each morning. Bonded Oddballs💞
- Tammy. Bryn Mawr, PA
Bonded Pair: Winnie and Ginger
Their Story: These sweeties' foster mama says, "Winnie loves attention & will play follow the leader. Ginger took a little longer to warm up, but she's settled in & also loves pets." These girls adore each other!
- Luv-N-Bunns Rabbit Rescue. Philadelphia, PA
Bonded Pair: Mowzer and Meeka
Their Story: “ brother and sister “... inseparable!- CJ. Penticton, B C
Bonded Pair: Rolf and Harri
Their Story: At first they liked each other but then they started to hate one another. It took almost a year to rebond them, it wasn't easy but now they love each other and cant stand to be away from each other.
- Theresia. Sweden, Heby
Bonded Pair: Fiona and Morse
Their Story: Fiona was adopted in 2017 and bonded to our Finn. When Finn passed in 2018, we were in the process of adopting Morse to bond a trio. Although plans changed, Morse helped Fiona find love again.
- Danielle. Rocheste, NY
Bonded Pair: Pope and Moses
Their Story: Pope (the bunny) is 5 months old and Moses (the puppy) is 6 months old and they just love to play together :).
- Jamie Gilbert. Decatur, GA
Bonded Pair: Ginger and Remington
Their Story: Ginger was a Craigslist rescue in a too-small cage, no hay or toys. Remy came from a local rescue. It was nearly love at first sight and they bonded almost instantly, about 5 years ago
- Jackie. Enfield
Bonded Pair: Twix and Chex
Their Story: I adopted Twix (left) from a shelter and had her for a month before bringing her to the shelter for a bundate. Within 15 minutes, Chex groomed her and within a few weeks, they became husbund and wife.
- Cynthia. Oak Creek, WI
Bonded Pair: Bubbles and Blossom
Their Story: We brought Blossom home and it was love at first sight with our Bunny Bubbles!
- _powerpuffbunnies_. Stoughton, MA
Bonded Pair: Piper and Pippin
Their Story: They were adopted from the humane society about a week apart. It took one month to bond them, and they’re the happiest buns! Binky-filled chases happen every night. The treats are jealously guarded.
- Michelle. Colorado Springs, CO
Bonded Pair: Posie
Their Story: she‘s ready for her first Valentine’s day and would love to spread the holiday spirit! She only needs a bond with her treats to be happy!
- Hannah. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Peanut and Honey
Their Story: Peanut was left at PetSmart with his mate. Sadly, she didn't make it. A rescue took him in and he quickly took to Honey. We met at the rescue and took them home that same day. It's been 4 months now.
- Aspen. Rexburg
Bonded Pair: Millie-Mae and Sammy
Their Story: Millie-Mae went to a speed date just outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She met 9 male bunnies that day and the only bunny she was comfortable around was Sammy! (He was known then as Marshmallow)
Their Story: Millie-Mae went to a speed date just outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She met 9 male bunnies that day and the only bunny she was comfortable around was Sammy! (He was known then as Marshmallow)
- Michele J. Wiscasset, ME
Bonded Pair: Luci and Orion
Their Story: Luci(white) is from my school where she was being used as a lab rabbit. A few months after I got her I got a job and thought that she would be lonely so Orion came home with us from the shelter.
- Annie. Harleysville, PA
Bonded Pair: Joey and Dixie
Their Story: True Love from the Start! ❤️- Kris. Phillipsburg, NJ
Bonded Pair: Oreo and Andy
Their Story: These girls were adopted from an animal shelter and then rehomed to us 9 months later so we’re their 3rd home in 2 (we think) short years. My daughter loves to gives them rides in her doll buggy.
- Anonymous. Dallas, TX
Bonded Pair: Penny and Cream
Their Story: Cream was recently adopted for Penny who lost her loving cage-sister. Both are rescued adoptions and are the perfect match!
- Ivy. Whiting, IN
Bonded Pair: Romeo and Juliet
Their Story: Furbabies Romeo and Juliet have been together since birth and have the fluffiest buns in all the land! O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? He's not hard to find as he's always by Juliet's side!
- Irene. Sacramento, CA
Bonded Pair: Trixy and Snickers
Their Story: Trixy was a solo piggy for about a week, when I couldn't resist her in a pet shop. A week later, I couldn't stand her being alone, so I went and got Snickers.
- Addy. 76086
Bonded Pair: Pepper, Greta, Halo, Lucy, Maisy, Cocoa, Cleo, Rocco, Goldie, and Jasmine
Their Story: These guinea pigs are rescues who started out with difficult circumstances but have been one big happily bonded family for over a year now! Small pet select has truly been a life saver for them all!
- GuineaPigGalore. Bellevue, NE
Bonded Pair: Ophelia and Magpie
Their Story: Ophelia lived the life of a grumpy loner bunny. Magpie came to us as a foster. She quickly became attached to him and she made it clear this was her forever home, and they became best buds.
- Jesse and Lisa. Endicott, NY
Bonded Pair: Hazel (R) and Louie (L)
Their Story: We met in the nest our mom made in our human's closet. We got a long great but had to be rebonded after our trip to the white coats. We just turned 3 last month and I have had to clean my brother every day this whole time, he's so dirty.
- LA,. South Carolina
Bonded Pair: Keith and Cheeky Chops
Their Story: Me and my friend both had recently bereaved pigs so we introduced them. Within 15 minutes they were both fast asleep together on my knee. In 22 years of keeping pigs I’ve never seen a bond like it.
- Zara. Liverpool U.K.
Bonded Pair: Jasmine and Tiny
Their Story: Jasmine is Tiny's mama. She was rescued with 4 babies and 2 days later, gave birth to 5 more. The others were all adopted, but she and Tiny stayed with us. She still reminds him that she's in charge.
- Terri. Worthington, OH
Bonded Pair: Frosty Bow Tie and Arthur Buns
Their Story: Arthur is a black dwarf bunny that I adopted from a store and Frosty is a mini lop I adopted from the town shelter to bond with Arthur. It was love at first sight and they are inseparable ❤️
- Sunday.
Bonded Pair: Thumper
Their Story: My dad gave him to me and my sister and we instantly bonded I love him so much.
- Britney💚. MD
Bonded Pair: Boo and Bun Bun
Their Story: Boo and Bun Bun after spending their first year living in an abusive home, I convinced the owners to let me take them. They have been inseparable ever since. They love to cuddle and groom each other.
- Angel Bare Hawks. Mount Air
Bonded Pair: Logan(gray) and Buster(white)
Their Story: Although Buster is the youngest he is the biggest and most timid, Logan the smaller older brother always lets him know it’s ok to be himself. Buster feels the most comfortable when Logan is around.
- Jen. Oxon Hill, MD
Bonded Pair: Cody, Maisie, Charlotte
Their Story: Cody (small white) and Maisie (brown dwarf) bonded themselves after Maisie’s spay. Charlotte (big white) was added later. She gets a long with Cody the best. Cody is a real ladies’ man!
- Wendy. Raleigh, NC
Bonded Pair: Pongo and Blossom
Their Story: Blossom was found in a hutch in a detached garage alone and eventually she found her love in Pongo who was adopted from the local shelter. She used to be skiddish but now she cuddles with her husbun
- Emily Rossi. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Rocky and PB
Their Story: Rocky (black) was rescued in January 2019, we decided he needed a friend in July and brought home PB (grey). It’s the best decision I’ve ever made- they are inseparable! Pb is always grooming Rocky.
- Cassidy. Lexington, KY
Bonded Pair: Gaffigan and Mulaney
Their Story: We got Gaffigan as a baby last summer. I knew she needed a sister, so I got Mulaney a couple days later. They bonded immediately, and they have been our sweet princess babies ever since.
- M.T. East Haven, CT
Bonded Pair: Chloe and Prince
Their Story: Prince, from a pet store Chloe, from a rabbit rescue. She is the yin to his yang, and the only bun who will put up with him and if that isn’t love, then what is love?
- Bobbi. Twentynine Palms, CA
Bonded Pair:Piglet (white fur and red eyes) and Poe
Their Story: My boys were adopted 7/5/19. They don't know how to do anything without each other, and they love sharing food and fussing over where to sleep! They especially like to use each other as pillows 😂
- Beba. Philadelphia, PA
Bonded Pair: Fluff and Azure
Their Story: Fluff met Azure, at Save a Bunny, a rabbit rescue in Nor Cal. Their bonding session lasted 5 min before Azure started sneaking kisses on her. They’ve been inseparable ever since.
- Alkisti. San Francisco, CA
Bonded Pair: Oreo and Cooper
Their Story: These two took over nine months to bond!! Oreo is a rescue and Cooper we got as a baby. Now they're the best of friends anyone can have! The snuggle all day and groom each other with so much love!
- Hollie. North Kingstown
Bonded Pair: Google and Spotty
Their Story: Spotty, rescued 9 years ago, and Google, rescued as a baby 2 years ago, have been inseparable for a year. Spotty is now sick and Google is the sweetest girlfriend, grooming and snuggling all day!
- Jeffrey S. Ormond beach, FL
Bonded Pair: Destiny and Fiver
Their Story: It was thump at first sight but they are now soul mates! Destiny (Seal-Point/Lop) came to PA by bunderground from Vegas & Fiver (Havana mix) was rescued from a dumpster. Adopted from The Bunny People.
- Corey B. Palmyra, PA
Bonded Pair: Brooklyn and Otis
Their Story: Otis (fixed) met Brooklyn through PiggyHaven Rescue, but it was more of a love connection. Otis enjoys painting Brooklyn when he isn't chasing her for more kisses. They have been together for 3 years.
- Angel. Inver Grove Heights, MN
Bonded Pair:Winston and FooFooCujo
Their Story: They dated (for 2 weeks they were in x-pens side by side as they got to know each other). After 2 weeks they now live together in their own room. I adopted them from the Humane Society.
- Tracy Schalk. Grand Rapids, MI
Bonded Pair: Tina and Fen
Their Story: Tina and Fen's favorite game is tag: Tina tells Fen to go away, Fen zooms and popcorns around the cage, before dashing back to Tina, who tells her to go away again. Their bond is a work in progress.
- Samantha. Wellesley, MA
Bonded Pair: Cookie and Nimo
Their Story: Cookie bonded with Nimo at Wee Companions after her mom passed away summer 2018.
- Stephanie Becotte. San Diego, CA
Bonded Pair: Taco and Nacho
Their Story: Hoomins found a binky princess, Nacho, to become Taco's girlfriend. After whole series of stress bonding period, Taco & Nacho become a sweetest bond. Please follow @taco_nacho_combo for more stories.
- Taco and Nacho. Gilbert
Bonded Pair: Buffy and Bonnie
Their Story: They are sisters born at the Humane Society and after being adopted and returned once they finally came to their Forever Home 5 years ago this month.
- Leah. Mount Vernon
Bonded Pair: Beans and Pickles
Their Story: These boys are litter mates. Once they became teens they had a rough time & went through many squabbles and vet visits. Mom’s persistence paid off- now everyday is grooming, snuggling and lounging.
- Michelle Woolley. Vernon, NJ
Bonded Pair: Emmie and Benny’s
Their Story: It was love at very first sight although Benny (lop) is totally blind. Emmie (ears up) has no lower forearms and relishes her role as Benny’s go-to home base. Rescued a year apart and now happily free roaming. Special needs just means more love to give and get🐰🐰
- JFK. Taylor’s Island, MD.
Bonded Pair: Strudel and Buddy
Their Story: After Strudel's sister Poptart passed Tina felt Strudel needed a friend. So she & Strudel went to HRS & instantly "knew" a special little boy would be perfect for her Strudel. They bonded on the first day. Strudel & Buddy now spend every day cuddling, playing, eating, & getting into all the troubles!
- Tina. Bensalem, PA
Bonded Pair: Tesla Tu Tu Rose and SoSo
Their Story: Tesla (white/brown) HATED SoSo (black) when we first rescued her. Tesla is our alpha but after 8 months of supervised floor time and adjacent cages, they finally fell in love. All snuggles now.
- Catherine Bray. Atlanta, GA
Bonded Pair: Lady and Tramp
Their Story: We decided very early into getting Lady that she would benefit from having a friend, and after a speed date, she chose Tramp, a true gentleman who even now can't stop cuddling his girlfriend.
- Sam. Howell, MI
Bonded Pair: Daisy and Snoopy
Their Story: It was LOVE at first sight for me & these snuggly buns! Daisy (Chinchilla Dwarf mix) enjoys chillin' with her husbun on their favorite tiles. Both are rescues adopted separately from The Bunny People.
- Karen T. PA
Bonded Pair: Elleigh (left) and Kenny
Their Story: These two lived together for about two years before this wedding photo from Bunfest 2019. Sadly, Kenny (right) got sick and passed away just a week later, making this picture so much more special.
- Angela. Columbus, OH
Bonded Pair:Connor and Madeline
Their Story: Connor is an old bun (6) that had been widowed twice before he met Madeline. He was shy due to previous failed bonding dates (other buns) but he and Madeline took to grooming each other immediately!
- Oscar. Plano, TX
Bonded Pair: Charlie and Mo
Their Story: Charlie and Mo are boars that were bonded as babies. Charlie was lonely and depressed. Mo came along to be his buddy. They are best friends and love to snuggle and play together.
- Carrie. Grand Rapids
Bonded Pair: Cocoa and Piggie Smalls
Their Story: Cocoa originally had a bestie named Lucy who died. Within days, I learned of a friend of a friend who had rescued a piggie, inside a cage, from a dumpster and needed a home. She was identical to Lucy!
- Lulu. Athens, GA
Bonded Pair: Alice, Athena, and Mr. Drippy
Their Story: I hope a trio is okay! Alice is a senior and always lived alone. Athena is deaf and Mr Drippy is blind, and they are all the same age. They are so happy as a trio and love giving each other kisses.
- Lena
Bonded Pair: Sushi and Zena
Their Story: Sushi was surrendered to the rescue a year ago, but couldn't find a pal. He was going to have surgery so he could have a girl friend instead. Then spayed Zena came along... it was love at 1st sight!
- Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue. Lawndale
Bonded Pair: Benny and Bailey
Their Story: Bailey lost her mate that passed suddenly. Despite her grief she met a very handsome lop named Benny who had been living on the streets of Dallas, Texas. It was love at first site for Benny and Bailey
- Jay B. Fort Worth, TX
Bonded Pair: Linus and Lucy
Their Story: Linus and Lucy were abandoned in a dumpster. I adopted them from MOHRS. Linus will cover Lucy with his body if a stranger comes near. They are free roam and love their new home ❤️
- Rachel. Mascoutah, IL
Bonded Pair: Arrow and Ammo
Their Story: They are one week apart in age and have been together most of their lives. Ammo is the mid mischievous adventure bun, while Arrow keeps lookout. She has always got her “brother’s” back.
- Nicole. Hartland, WI
Bonded Pair: Luna and Lil Bun
Their Story: Luna (the lovely Belinda-lookalike) was an only child for a year before Lil Bun hopped into her life. After a bit of sibling rivalry, the pair came to a mutual understanding and now share everything.
- Anonymous
Bonded Pair: Mojito and Caydence(the girl)
Their Story: Mojito is a Flemish giant mix and his mother recently passed so he replaced his moms cuddles with Caydence’s cuddles and confiscated her bed.
- Cassie. Coconut Creek, FL
Bonded Pair: Penelope Love and Oliver Darwin
Their Story: They was inseparable from the start. Always side by side but a trip to Florida and the beach is where they become completely bonded and total fall in love
- Amy Pierson. Birch River, WV
Bonded Pair: Elsa and Charlotte
Their Story: Elsa and Charlotte met when Elsa lost his girlfriend...she passed away 2.5 years ago and I decided to go to the local shelter because he was lonely...& there was Charlotte they’ve been in love since!
- Anne Allis. Geneva, NY
Bonded Pair: Ruutu and Ethan
Their Story: Ethan and Ruutu were adopted from Red Door Shelter. Ethan tried speed dating but once he met Ruutu it was LOVE. They bonded right away and now have many crazy Dutchie adventures together.
- Theresa. Chicago, IL
Bonded Pair:Scooby and Bear
Their Story: Scooby & Bear are a bonded pair of bunnies that were surrendered to the West Milford Animal Shelter (all volunteer run shelter) and are waiting for their forever home. They share snuggles and treats
- Lisa. Oakland, N
Bonded Pair: Ruby (short ears) and Riker (long ears)
Their Story: Ruby and Riker got off to a rocky start. Ruby wanted her humans all to herself and was very ruffled when Riker came to live with us. But now they are partners in crime.
- Niki. Kansas City, KS
Bonded Pair: Zeus (lop) and Annie (white)
Their Story: Annie was rescued 2012 and Zeus 2018 but age difference didn't matter - they bonded within hours. Unfortunately Zeus lost Annie to lymphoma a few weeks ago but we will hold her forever in our hearts.
- Lisa. Cutler Bay
Bonded Pair: Bunny and Clyde
Their Story: Bunny had a good life, but she was missing one thing... a pawtner in crime! We went speed-dating at the shelter, and Bunny and Clyde fell in love at first sight. Now they’re inseparable treat bandits!
- Amanda Willett. Redwood City, CA
Bonded Pair: Coco and Skiddles
Their Story: Coco is our first Piggy. He was about 2 when we found Skiddles. They became inseparable the second they met. Even during vet visits they travel together. They truly are furever buddies.
- Michelle CoyneBarry. North Attleboro, MA
Bonded Pair: E.B. and Poe
Their Story: E.B. & Poe have been together since birth. We adopted them when the girls were 6 mos old. They will be 9 yrs old on March 13th. They are the epitome of twins! They chew, hide, and cuddle together.
- Alanna. Maricopa, AZ
Bonded Pair: Daisy and Minnie
Their Story: I got there 2 cuz a lady in my area was rehoming these 2 babes. I figured that since I knew about their care to give them there best life without being in a.small pet store cage
- Steph. Parkesburg, PA
Bonded Pair: Grape and Audrina
Their Story: Little Grape used to beat up on Audrina, until one day Audrina showed Grape who's boss! They've now been bonded for years and don't even bicker.
- Mary. Pittsburgh, PA
Bonded Pair: Luna and Toby
Their Story: Toby has always been a independent boy bun & was the first to leave the nest. Speed dating made it seem he would never take a bunwife. Took a chance on sweet little grey floof. Worth the stress & patience!
- Jessie. WA
Bonded Pair: Draco and Lily
Their Story: 2 rescues that became best friends.- Kathleen. Portland
Bonded Pair: Agnes and Elliott
Their Story: Agnes’ brother passed away unexpectedly. A couple of months later, Elliott was available for adoption through the MO House Rabbit Society. It was love at first sight for Aggie Lou and Elliott Blue <3
- Katie. Olathe, KS
Bonded Pair: Tinley(black) and Thumper
Their Story: Hoomin had been volunteering at a local bun shelter and fell in love with Tinley. She brought Thumper in to meet the pretty girl, and it was love at first sight. They’re inseparable ever since.
- Courtney. Canton, MI
Bonded Pair: Raisinet and Goober
Their Story: These sweethearts are brother and sister. They are so fun to watch and one always wants what the other has. Many times a piece of hay or treat is shared together.
- Bunny Mom. Lancaster
Bonded Pair: Ziggy (on top) and Luca (peeking)
Their Story: Ziggy took a long time to get comfortable in his new home. Luca was patient and groomed him everyday. They don’t like car rides to gram and gramps, but Ziggy was there for Luca this time around. 💕
- Lindsey. Jacksonville, FL