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Belinda the Spokesrabbit’s 5-year Anniversary $1000 Giveaway

Welcome to my biggest giveaway ever!

FOUR lucky winners will receive $1000 EACH to spend at Small Pet Select.

That includes:

One US winner + their favorite rescue

One UK winner + their favorite rescue

This $1000 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for supporting me during my first five years as your spokesrabbit.

Hay. Toys. Treat. Supplies.

Imagine how much you—and your favorite rescue—could buy with $1000.

Don’t delay. Enter today! And share this with your friends.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

Rules for entry:

  • you must enter by filling out the form
  • only one entry per person
  • Submit this entry form by midnight EST on Friday, Sept. 30, 2022.

  • Winning entries will be drawn at random on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022.

  • Each winner will receive $1000 store credit to use by December 31, 2024.

  • Open to residents of US and UK. Rescues must be a registered 501(c)3 (US) or registered charity (UK).

Choose your Location

Pick one of our locations (if you're in the EU, just choose the UK location). You're on your way to yummyness!

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